To book P.J. for your next conference or event, please email the details, and we will get back to you as soon as possible: [email protected].
For faster support, call us directly: 858.255.0635.
“Trust me, you want P.J. to speak at your event!
He is incredibly inspirational!”
Founder and CEO of NESTA
Dr. John Spencer Ellis
* limited # of speaking engagements accepted; Book Today!
“P.J.’s so much fun! He’s super interactive and inspiring!”
Nick and Megan Unsworth
Founders of the “Ignite Your Movement” and “Abundance” Events
Founders of Life on Fire
“We LOVE, LOVE P.J., and we are so honored he was able to be on our stage and change so many lives!”
Founders of “THRIVE: Make Money Matter” Business Conference
Sanja and Cole Hatter
To inquire about P.J.’s corporate training and consulting, please email the details, and we will get back to you as soon as possible: [email protected].
For faster support, call us directly: 858.255.0635.
“Having P.J. speak with our team was really a growing step for our programs
—and one that enriched the experiences of our staff!”
Chuck Knippen
Founder and Director of Monster Worldwide’s
Diversity Leadership Program
* limited # of training and consulting clients accepted;
Inquire Today!
“If you are considering P.J. for a project, you will be impressed! Your organization will benefit from his message.
I personally read hundreds of evaluations, and they all had a recurring theme: ‘P.J. is AWESOME!’
I highly recommend P.J.!”
Cassandra Anderson
Strategic Growth Professional
“P.J. is a master in communication and the psychology of being human.
He ignites a different mode of thinking, inspires one to act, and his ability to overcome adversities is outstanding, inspirational, and an example of how we all should live.
The world needs more people like P.J.!”
January Liddell
Financial Strategist with Xtreme 1 Financial
If you would like to interview P.J., please email the details, and we will get back to you as soon as possible: [email protected]
“I've had the privilege of interviewing P.J. 6 times on my virtual events broadcast to worldwide audiences!
He’s very thoughtful and very wise—and shares his wisdom with humor, passion, and energy!”
Michelle Marchant-Johnson
Love Life Coaching
Host of 7+ Online Interview Programs
“P.J. has shared his wisdom for my international audiences—4 times!
And each time he ‘WOWED’ them!”
Toni Gahn-Black
Online Business Strategist
Host of 4+ Online Summits and Workshops
For general customer services questions, send an email to the following with the words “Customer Service” in the Subject Line: [email protected]