
Recognized in 35+ countries and considered one of the most requested, in-demand inspirational keynote speakers in the world.

P.J. has been speaking since he was 7 years old, was inducted into the National Hall of Fame for People with Disabilities at 19, has delivered over 4,000 presentations, and shares the stage with some of the biggest names in the business: Les Brown, Jack Canfield, Daymond John, Kevin Harrington, Tom Bilyeu, and the legendary, late Jerry Lewis. P.J. enthusiastically speaks for all audiences ranging from 20 people to 30,000+ attendees.




  • Yes, You Can! The 4 Keys for Turning Your Obstacles Into Opportunities!

  • Yes, You Can for Leaders! The 4 Keys for Turning Your Barriers Into Breakthroughs!

  • Yes, You Can for Sales Professionals! The 4 Keys for Turning Your Roadblocks Into Revenue!




A limited number of speaking engagements accepted.

  • 1-2 hours – fee of $10,000 plus expenses from Tucson, AZ

  • 2-4 hours – fee of $15,000 plus expenses from Tucson, AZ

  • 4-8 hours – fee of $30,000 plus expenses from Tucson, AZ

  • 5 Consecutive Days – $150,000 plus expenses from Tucson, AZ

* No expenses for events held in Tucson, AZ

Would You Rather Talk to a Real Person?! Yeah, us too.

Call Today: 858.255.0635, and Book P.J. for Your Next Event!

* REMEMBER: Limited Number of Engagements Accepted—CALL NOW to Reserve Your Date!


“P.J. is such a phenomenal speaker! He captured our audience's attention right from the start and was so engaging! Unquestionably one of THRIVE Tribe’s favorite speakers! We LOVE P.J. and are so honored he was on our stage and changed so many lives!”

Founders of “THRIVE: Make Money Matter!” Business Conference

Sanja and Cole Hatter

“P.J.'s up there, just rocking it out, getting the whole crowd moving in his wheelchair! That guy's so much fun! He's inspiring people and super interactive! And he's got such a big heart! Plus, he literally has the coolest stories I've ever heard. P.J.'s incredible!”

Nick and Megan Unsworth

Founders of the “Ignite Your Movement” and “Abundance” Events

Founders of Life on Fire

“P.J. will influence and impact people because they saw him and were exposed to him and his courage!”

Les Brown

National Speakers Association’s Hall of Fame Inductee

The World’s Leading Motivational Speaker

“If you want someone reliable, who lights your audience on fire, and makes you look great—you’ve got to work with P.J.!”

James Malinchak

Featured on ABC’s Hit Series, “Secret Millionaire”

Hosted Over 1,000 Company Events

“It was an honor to work with P.J., and watch how he grew up before our eyes to become the man he is today—a great communicator! P.J. is truly loved by so many!”

Wendy Craver

One of P.J.’s First Speaking Mentors

Former TV News Anchor and Meteorologist

“From his early days, it was clear P.J. was a born communicator. All you had to do was hand him the microphone. He knew what to say, and how to say it, . . . and people listened!”

Tom Burris

One of P.J.’s First Speaking Mentors

Voice Over Actor and Former TV News Anchor

“I hired P.J. to speak at our first event—and he stole the SHOW! Our audience was so moved by him, they still ask about him years later. If you’re considering having P.J. speak, you will be impressed, moved, motivated, and inspired! I highly recommend P.J.!”

Charles Musselwhite

Co-Founder of Musselwhite Consulting

Co-Founder of Fun Loving Couples

“P.J. motivated and moved us with his stories and wonderful speech. I personally read and reviewed hundreds of evaluations, and they all had a recurring theme: "P.J. is AWESOME!" I highly recommend P.J.—your organization will benefit from his message!”

Cassandra Anderson

Strategic Growth Professional

“P.J. shared the stage with guys from Shark Tank, multimillionaires, and BILLIONAIRES—and P.J. was still the most dynamic speaker there! He's inspirational, he's funny, and he's engaging!”

Jill Schultz

Owner and CEO of Dine N Vine

“If you’re putting on an event and want to inspire and motivate people to get out of their own way, get into action, and realize what’s possible—trust me, you want P.J. to speak at your event! He is incredibly inspirational!”

Dr. John Spencer Ellis

Founder and CEO of NESTA

“P.J. is the man! He brings a lot of energy and captivates the audience! If you're thinking about hiring P.J. to speak, stop hesitating and just do it! I PROMISE you won't regret it!”

Devona Stimpson

Professional Visual Artist

Co-Founder of Strive & Grind

“P.J. spoke to 1,000 entrepreneurs and ABSOLUTELY Stole the Show! If you want someone who inspires your people—and gets them up and feeling alive—I highly recommend P.J.; he’s truly an entertaining and engaging speaker!”

Luke DePron

Actor and Event Host

Founder of Live Great Lifestyle

“P.J.’s incredible! The man is energetic, fearless, and full of love and kindness.  His stories are enlightening and humorous—allowing the audience to connect with, enjoy, and easily interpret his lessons.”

Jake Smith

Founder of Leverage Attention

“There’s something alluring about P.J. He ignites a different mode of thinking and inspires one to act. His words of wisdom and ability to overcome his adversities are outstanding, inspirational, and an example of how we all should live our lives. The world needs more people like P.J.!”

January Liddell

Financial Strategist at Xtreme 1 Financial

“P.J. has shared his wisdom for 4 of our events—and each time he "WOWED" the audience! When P.J. speaks, he reaches into your heart and ‘turns on all the lights!’ I highly recommend P.J.’s speaking!”

Toni Gahn-Black

Content Creator and Business Strategist

“P.J. EXPLODED with ENTHUSIASM! He addressed the audience with SO MUCH GUSTO I could feel his positive energy from the very back of the room! He had me absolutely captivated for the rest of his presentation! P.J. is truly one of the most inspiring and unforgettable speakers I’ve ever seen!”

Tyler Basu

Online Business Strategist

“When P.J.’s on stage, he gives every piece of himself! He speaks from a place of humor, so his messages and powerful concepts land in really big ways! I love hearing him speak every time I get the chance. I honestly can’t say enough good about him—I truly love P.J.!”

Calvin Wayman

Founder and CEO of CobbesMedia

“P.J. speaks from the heart—and inspired the audience to really see what is possible for their lives. He was an Amazing Speaker and left a huge impression on me! I’ve never seen any other speaker be so generous with their time and energy.”

Gina Wagner

Event Attendee

“P.J. is not only a major powerhouse motivational speaker, he helps you get closer to your life's purpose!”

Antoine Airoldi

President of Antoine Airoldi Communications

“P.J. has a very unique perspective, and his knowledge and experience are just what’s needed today! I highly recommend P.J.—his ability to connect with the audience is amazing!”

Director of Translation and Localization Department for Linguava

Anitha Johny

“Having P.J. speak with our team was really a growing step for our programs—and one that enriched the experiences of staff, sponsors, and our students! P.J.’s energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to be with us was greatly appreciated and truly inspiring!”

Chuck Knippen

Founder and Director of Monster Worldwide’s

Diversity Leadership Program

“What P.J. was talking about was so juicy, I just wanted more time to drink it all in, so I could consider everything he was saying!”

Nicole Thomas

Founder and President of RAVE! Seminars

“P.J. had our participants eating out of his hand! He was really impressive this weekend, and our participants loved him!”

Kenya Rutland

Founder and President of KJR Consulting

“Being on stage with P.J. and witnessing his love, wisdom, and stories transform the audience has been such a gift. Whether he is talking to one, or hundreds, of people, he inspires them to be their best, unapologetically! I absolutely love this human, and I know you will too!!”

Michelle Castaldi-Inez Mann

Actress and Model

Founder of Authentic Choices

“P.J. is such an inspiring individual! I was shedding tears of inspiration when he was up on stage, dancing, at the closing portion of the weekend.”

Senior Recruiting Manager for Alexa at Amazon

Melissa Chu-Valencia

“Man, you were definitely the highlight of the DLP weekend! You're the real inspiration! Keep telling your story, man; it's powerful! And it’s changing lives!”

Al “The Inspiration” Duncan

Professional Speaker for Youth

“P.J. brought his A-Game! He is the epitomy of what this organization stands for—energy, personality, and competence!”

Deborah Johnson

President of Goal Minded, LLC

Adjunct Professor for The Ohio State University

Chairwoman for The Jay Richardson Foundation

“P.J. had me on an emotional rollercoaster—in a good way! One minute, I'm leaning forward, laughing and getting into it, saying, 'Yeah, Yeah!' And the next, I'm leaning back thinking, 'Hhhmmmm, that's deep.' Then I caught myself sitting up in my seat all into what P.J. was saying, yet, again!”

Training Specialist for CHARTWAY Federal Credit Union

Joye Giddings




A limited number of speaking engagements accepted.

To book P.J. for your next conference or event, please email your details, and we will get back to you ASAP. Email: [email protected]

Would You Rather Talk to a Real Person?! Yeah, us too.

Call Today: 858.255.0635, and Book P.J. for Your Next Event!

* REMEMBER: Limited Number of Engagements Accepted—CALL NOW to Reserve Your Date!





a Happy Audience Means You’ve Had a Successful Event!

An Active Audience is a Happy Audience—and